The Word of GOD says, “The Fervent Prayers of the Righteous Availeth Much”, somewhere between Genesis and Revelations (in my Nikita B voice.) Thank you for your righteous and fervent prayers. God bless you now and always. - Teresa Reese

My Prayer

I would like to take this moment and say "Thank You". For I know that None of this would be possible without You!!! I do not take this for granted and it is my prayer that I Never will! Thank you GOD for this opportunity and the many more You will afford me! Thank You for the Open Doors that No Man, No Woman, No Child can Shut! May the Plans and Thoughts You have towards me according to Jeremiah 29:11 be "Exceeding Abundantly Above My Greatest and Wildest Imagination", in Jesus Mighty Name! I pray in advance for the success of this Website, My Visions, My Blog and My Podcast. I pray that this website will bring You so much Glory. I hope my life will forever change for the better because of the Leaps of Faith I have taken to ensure All of my dreams come true. Thank you LORD for seeing me beyond my brain tumors!!! Thank you for seeing me past my divorce. Thank you for seeing me outside of my disappointments, failures, the rejection, the betrayals, the hurt, the harm and danger. Thank you for seeing me through it All!!! I am so grateful that you saw me for who You knew I would become despite every level of adversity I have faced. You protected me when I could not protect myself! You have kept me when I became tired of being kept. You provided financial deliverance right in the midst of poverty. You have been my ever present help in times of trouble. If I had ten-thousand tongues, they wouldn't be enough!!! I thank you to the very core of my existence. I praise you, now and always. I pray that this vision is the very vision that I believe you planted inside of me. Please allow this to be the beginning of a new legacy, not only for me, but for my children and my loved ones. I hope that my children are proud of me. I hope that I am making You proud of me too!  I love you more than words can say! Amen.

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Be Sure to Checkout our “Dear Future Hubby Podcast”. Hosted by Yours Truly, Teresa Reese. (Click on the photo to access the Podcast).

Have Your way Lord

This is the day that You have made. I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I thank you for blessing me to see another day of life. I thank you for waking me up and clothing me in my right mind. I thank you for protecting my loved ones. I ask that you protect and keep all of Your children safe. Please go before us on today, guide us down the path of righteousness for Your names sake. Please show us whose life needs to be touched by Your presence today. Allow us to be the vessels that You use for Your glory! Help us to die to our flesh, and resist the enemy of insecurities, judgment, hatred or indifference, please take away any and everything that is not pleasing to your sight. Amen.

How Do I Move Forward from Here? 


They keep telling me Not to Blame myself because I did everything in my Power to Protect all of my Children. Yet, even my Best efforts weren't good enough. My baby was violated, GOD. A Grown Man Raped my Innocent child! How do I ever move forward from this? Is it even possible??? My heart breaks with every second, every minute, every hour of each day. I hurt so badly that I don't even know How to pray anymore. It's Hard to put this pain into words. All I keep saying is, "Lord, it hurts so bad" because it Does! Why do good things always seem to happen to Good People? I don't understand this. I can't wrap my brain around any of this. She doesn't deserve this GOD!!! Her Heart is the Purest Heart I know. She Sees You even when I don't. She trusts You while I keep asking you Why. Despite this hour of darkness, You continue to be her lulliby. Rocking her to sleep although all I do is Cry because it Hurts So Bad!!! God, help us through this, someway, somehow. Please don't let the devil Win this battle!!! I am begging you for Her Victory. Please help to keep me strong and continue to give her strength and peace. Not my will be done, I see That part clearly. But God, I need Your Will to be one that Includes Protecting Us from the enemy. The enemy within as well, because all of us are taking this very hard. Help us to endure and overcome. Help us Not to harden our hearts but to model our hearts like that of hers because even in the Midst of HELL, just like you, my baby never said a mumbling word. Please keep her mind, body, soul and spirit covered God. Like only You Can!!! This is my prayer, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

Rejected by Them, Protected by Him by Author -Teresa Reese 

An ever present help in my time of need

God, He protects and He keeps me

Through Hurt, Turmoil, Chaos and Danger

God remains my Constant Protector

Eyes have not seen, Ears have not Heard

All for me He has In Store

Upon the Hills will I continue to Look 

Although I'm Rejected and Ridiculed

By those Who deny My Purpose

And yet Still

God has Destined me for Great things

Even If they don't Think I Deserve Them

So I'll keep my Eyes on His Prize

And the Promises He's made to Me

Although Some have plotted 

And some have even Schemed

My God has Decreed

My Total Victory!

He Did That! 

When the enemy came in like a flood, God lifted up a standard! It is true that no weapon formed against you will prosper. I haven't lived on this planet long, but I have lived on it long enough to know that the enemy never plays fair!!! His sole mission in life is to kill, to destroy and to steal from us. From the very plan and vision that God has for us. I Thank God that I am able to see the devices of the wicked one and Trust that God will make a way out of no way at all. He has done it too many times to count and once again, God has showed up by sparing my daughter's life in an automobile accident where her entire car flipped over!!! She is Still alive, healed and well. He did that! Be encouraged. 
Author- Teresa Reese

Thank You Lord 

Lord, It has been a few months since I have been on here to acknowledge You in prayer. So let me start by saying, "Thank You Lord!" Thank You because what the devil meant for bad, You meant it for my good. The weapons may have formed, but they did not prosper! Thank You for showing up in my life in ways that I would never imagine. To You be all of the Glory! You are worthy of all praise, glory and honor. Thank You Lord for Your standard. Thank You Lord for making sure that I am in Your perfect will instead of just Your permissive will! Thank You for making my crooked paths straight. Thank You for being the Great "I AM" in my life. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Blessings Overflowing© 

Lord, You never cease to amaze me! When the enemy comes in like a flood, You raise Your standard. You are a present help during times of sorrow and You keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on Thee. If I had ten-thousand tongues, it would not be enough to thank You. You are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise!!! Thank You for blessings overflowing. Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank You for being my refuge and my shelter. Thank You for being my provider. This is my prayer.

God's Favor© 

Lord, I can't explain how and why God keeps showing me His favor. All I know is that I love Him with all of my heart, I trust Him with all of my heart too. According to society, man, and even myself. I am not even supposed to be here, let alone receiving God's favor. But somewhere, somehow, He chose me! Not saying that He has any respector of persons, not saying that He lovesme more than anyone else. I know God loves all of His children, I know He does. Yet, for some reason, during one of our many conversations, it occurred to me that God has shown me favor. I pray to Him often. I stand on His Holy word. And when I start to doubt him, I confess and repent. And I love Him! I truly love Him. He overwhelms me with His goodness. He keeps my heart smiling. He answers my prayers and he keeps my cup overflowing. But I don't love Him because of things, I love Him because He first loved me. Oh how I love Him! Thank you for allowing me to share your Abba Father with You. He's been so good to me. Amen.

Your Will© 

Lord, I pray that Your will be done. On heaven as it is on earth. Have Your way oh Lord. My desire is to be pleasing in Your sight. Now and always. Please forgive me for any sins that I have committed, knowingly and unknowingly. As I forgive those who have sinned against me, whether knowingly or unknowingly. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.


Lord, You blessed me to share a beautiful moment with my 18 year old daughter, and that was her graduation day on June 4th. Then you blessed me to share another beautiful moment in time on June the 7th at her graduation party. You are faithful! Thank you! Amen.

Traveling Grace© 

These highways and byways can be very dangerous. It is my prayer that you will build a hedge of protection all around us and protect us from all manner of hurt, harm and danger. Bless our going out and our coming in. Protect us from the accident demons. Go before us as we travel these roads because any danger that lurks around these corners, only You know. Send your angels Lord to guide our way and if we get sleepy, help us to stay wide awake. Keep our minds in perfect peace. Give us traveling grace and mercy. Please help us to get to our destinations safely. Amen.

You Promised© 

Before my first brain surgery, You spoke to me. You promised me that I would live but I knew the odds were stacked against me. But you promised me life. I remember crying my eyes out, wondering who would care for my kids, but you promised me life. I remember the nurse that told me that I would have to go back into surgery right after the first one. That angered me! I hated them for that! Until they explained that not going any further wasa good thing. You promised me that I would live. When they said that I would have to have a blood transfusion and would suffer from a heart attack. You promised that I would live. Lord, thank you! I am living and my first book is published. To God be all the Glory! Amen.