
Writing is my Therapy. Enjoy my therapeutic


- Teresa Reese


Healing scars over time through my poetry


Today, is the day after my 47th Birthday! January 10th 2021. A lot has happened leading up to this very point. Last week, I intentionally took an entire week off of my full-time job to focus and redirect certain areas of my life. I want the latter to be greater than the former. So, with that being said, I started off by purging from my past! I blocked all of the past energy from exes and the like that meant me no earthly good. I then purged my home. Starting with my room and then my closets. I had no idea how much I had been neglecting in my world. They say the outer is a representation of the inner. Looking over the last time I blogged, I guess there is a lot of truth to that statement.   

I’ve been healing and didn’t truly understand that when you go through a healing process, sometimes you Must set aside other things so that you can give Yourself the attention you need. Once you have done the work in certain areas, then you will have the strength to address other areas. Well, this was my situation.   

However, now I have the strength to address other areas in my life. My youngest daughter is in a much better place post experiencing her trauma and so am I.   

Therefore, here I am. Once I finished those tasks at hand, I was able to be completely still and ascertain what I truly wanted to put out in the universe during 2021.   

And it was this very thing!   

I wanted to resume my healing process on a totally different level.   

I wanted to address some of the Dreams, Goals and Visions that I’d set aside because at that moment, I had more pressing matters to tend to. But the moment turned into hours, the hours turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months and here we are!  

So during my vacation this past week, I logged in to my website which had also been neglected for quite some time and I began to give it a long overdue facelift!   

Upon doing so, I uncovered another area of my life which I had also unconsciously been neglecting.   

The Vision I’ve had for years of my very own Podcast.   

So I went to work once again to bring this vision to life!   

One thing that is for certain, I have allowed Fear to be my dictator for entirely too long!   

For example. Fear of never being “good enough” for Anyone, including my own self because of past choices! Now where on earth did this Lie Come From?! I know exactly where it came from, Stinking Thinking and me allowing Other People’s judgments of me to guide me down Their Self Righteous paths!   

Well, I no longer believe this lie! I now realize that Everyone’s Testimony is Different! And just because a person’s path had less detours than mine did, this doesn’t make them Better than me or Vice Versa! Fact is, regardless of which path we choose in life, we may or may not arrive at the same destination! So maybe it’s best we focus on enjoying the Journey while we strive to get to our destinations. 

Another example, Fear of Failure!   

Truth is, Failing is a part of Succeeding! Ask any Millionaire or Billionaire. So if you Never Start, you will Never know if you were One Failure away from experiencing True Success in your Lifetime!   

So I made a conscious decision to Jump! I launched the “Dear Future Hubby Podcast” scared! Now please keep in mind, I don’t have the slightest clue concerning what I am doing. Facts! But I know that I have Lived Life, I have Been Married, I have been Divorced, I have Survived Trauma on various Levels, I have Loved, I have been Loved, I have Lost and I want to find Love Again! So I must at least Try, right?!   

So Trying I am. Ready or Not, I have Jumped!!!  

Now, I will leave the rest up to GOD. After all, this is what my Brand, A Strongwilled Mind, is All about! Having the Faith to do the Impossible while all the while Believing that He who makes All things Possible will Guide me down the Right Path for His Glory, and for His Names Sake!  

As long as I continue to Trust Him during the Process and beyond! The choice to launch my Podcast was an Intentional Choice!  Why didn’t I name it something “more safe”? Because that’s not what was given to me. 

And I Trust that each and every person Who is supposed to hear my Podcast and Who my Podcast is meant for will understand my why. 

Slightly changing the subject now, I believe I am supposed to come into contact with specific people who are intricate parts of the many blessings that will eventually Manifest in my Life!  

However, to make room for these specific people, I had to remove other people from my life.  

Remember: Detox doesn’t only pertain to Food, it pertains to People Too!  

Now back to the subject at hand, My Manifest List includes meeting Mr. Laterras R. Whitfield because he is the Inspiration behind my Podcast coming into fruition.  

I listen to his Podcast, “Dear Future Wifey” quite often. And by doing so, he, as well as, his guests have provided so many nuggets of wisdom that instead of talking about what I wanted to do someday, I decided to just do it!   

So I am putting this out into the universe for GOD to hear!  

LORD willing, One Day I will have the Honor and the Privilege of meeting Mr. Laterras R. Whitfield live and in person.  

I Know it is Possible. Because I Believe it is!!! However, listen to the Shift... Mr. Laterras R. Whitfield will also One Day have the Honor and the Privilege of meeting me, Teresa Reese!  

Why did I change it up?! Because some of us have operated in the belief that our existence is “lesser than others” which is also a lie.  

Listen Good People, we were Created in the Image of GOD!!! How Amazing is that?  

This means, You are Amazing Too!!! Please don’t ever forget this Fact! Do your Best to Debunk the Stinking Thinking which has you believing that Others are Better than You! Or that You are Better than Others! 

Now they may have more Experience than you do in certain areas of their lives, but Better than you?! No sir! No ma’am. You are So Significant! Start to Own It!  

I truly believe that 2021 is the Year of Manifestation! What do You want to Manifest in Your Life? Do you want to become the very first Millionaire in your Family? If so, Begin to do the work! Don’t just write down your vision, make it plain and then execute your vision!  

Who have you lost touch with? Could it even be with Yourself?!  

I know this was a part of my Testimony. What is yours?  Write it down in a journal if you must but Manifest your Present and Your Future. 

However, I truly believe that there are certain people who posses the next set of instructions GOD has for us because sometimes GOD uses People to get His next instructions through to Us! 

And if you don’t believe in GOD, the Universe is trying to get your Next Set of Instructions to you through someone! Even if that Someone Is You!!! Listen, Pay attention and Seek clarity. 

In this Season, I am Praying for Each and Every Person who is connected to my own Destiny!   

I pray that he or she will continue to walk in obedience to GOD and allow Him to have His Perfect Work through them for His glory and for my Story!   

I also pray the same for you!   

Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, what the LORD has in store for you or me!  

But first, we must Believe!   

I declare and decree 2021 is just one of the MANY Years that GOD will Manifest Magnificent things in My Life and FOR ME!  

I encourage you to begin to Speak those Things that be not as though they are.  

Begin to Manifest your Dreams, Goals and Visions for your life!  

Hopefully, in a way that will Give God All the Glory and make Him Smile! Be Encouraged.  

- Teresa Reese

Why Did he Rape My Baby? 

It's 3 a.m. in the morning. My sleep has been broken ever since I closed my eyes. I can't close my eyes without seeing the vision my Babygirl placed inside my head as she shared her Darkest Secret! I hear whispers in the night all throughout the night. Why did he Rape my Baby? Lord, Why did he Rape My Baby?  

I can't stop Crying, my heart keeps burning. It's So broken. Oh my heart is so Broken! Broken like shattered glass. Too many broken pieces to ever put them Back together again. It's hard to breathe through all of this pain. My Whole Body Aches!!! Why did he Rape my Baby God? Why did he Rape My Baby?  

This world and some of the people in it are So Cruel! She's an Angel walking on this earth. My little angel, of course. Why did he Hurt her?  

Attempting to Rob her of Everything so Precious and Pure! Why did he Rape my Baby Lord? Why did he Rape My Baby?  

I can't Breathe God!!! Every Breath gets harder to take as I imagine her tears dropping as she wished I would Save her from the Tragedy that so easily attached itself to her without any warning!!!  

Trust was the pawn in this game of chess and that Monster called out "Check mate" on her pure innocence. Why did he Rape my Baby Lord? Why did he Rape My Baby?  

And how do I Live with Myself Beyond this Devastation of Knowing that I was not There to Protect my Child from Satan, Himself??? Why did he Rape my Baby, Lord? WHY did he Rape My Baby? 
-Teresa Reese 

Beautifully Broken 

It is imperative that I find a Healthy way to channel my brokenness. On August 27th, 2019, my Youngest child/daughter told me that she was Raped nearly 2 years back.She was 11 years old at the time of this crime. There are no words to describe the depths of my brokenness as I grieved in her presence while fighting hard to stay strong. I have cried, I have screamed, I have fought myself within myself in an attempt to cope with this tragedy. This blog will be my outlet as I mustar up the strength to live beyond this horrific pain. It is my expression of broken headedness, anger, rage, hurt, sorrow, grief and any ray of sunshine that beams through my darkest hour to date. It is my way of coping with her beautiful brokenness, as well as, my very own.

-Teresa Reese


Dreams Still Come True - Teresa Reese 

It has been quite a while since I have testified on my website, however, I need to testify on this!!! My cup is Still running over. On April 14, 2018, one of my dreams came true. I met, took a few photos of, conversed with and took a few photos with CEO/Founder, Kellie E Lane, of Warrior Nation Apparel and Warrior Nation Ministries at her Empire Event in Atlanta, Georgia; at the Grand Hyatt. She even introduced me to the Warrior Nation and said, "Y'all, this is Teresa Reese, the lady who writes down everything I say". To many, this may not seem like a Huge deal but to me, it was Bigger than Big!!! You see, I tear up just thinking about all I had to go through to even get to the point when our two worlds finially collided in a moment in time and it was Worth it!!! To hear Kellie E Lane and see her live felt so surreal and she is so Humble. I love her so much and I just Met her!!! God's Spirit lives and breathes in her and through her and I was taken aback by her flawless beauty. She reminds me a lot of my best friend, Stephanie, and it was an Honor and a Priviledge to meet her. I wanted to share this testimony because a lot of people get so caught up with looking to the left and right, they tend to miss their blessings. Well, I am grateful to God for teaching me how to keep my eyes on the Prize because had I chosen to ignore His instructions, I would have missed one of the best days of my Life, to date. Stay focussed and stay ready because dreams still come true! Be encouraged.

-Teresa Reese

If I could touch the Hem of His Garment©  

Let me see your Power Lord

Heal my Inner Soul

If I could touch Your Garment Now

I know that I'd be Whole

The Days are Short, the Nights are Long

My Burdens Heavy Weigh

You are My Strength

You're all I have

To make it Through the Day

I Know you see my Hurting Heart

I Know you Feel My Pain

Please Take Away the Misery

So that your Peace I'll Gain

Just let me touch Your Garment Lord

My Soul Belongs to You

Search me, Touch me, Guide me Lord

And Cleanse me Through and Through❤


written by Author - Teresa Reese


Be You❤ Author - Teresa Reese 

Even if you want to bring the people whom are dearest to your heart along "for the Rise", they may not want to come along! And that's Okay! Be You, Be Great and most of all...Be encouraged❤ Author - Teresa Reese

In the midst of the Storm -Author -Teresa Reese 

At the very beginning of April, my life shifted. Not only was a lipoma tumor found in the back of my neck, but I have been diagnosed with a new tumor in my brain. Talk about a storm! However, my lovely co-workers, trusted friends and supportive family have all rallied together to help me to stay encouraged. In the midst of the storm, I have found comfort. I want to encourage you on today! And remember, God should still Recognize you in the Midst of the Storm!!! So don't Stop speaking to Him, especially when GOD has Delivered you from them All❤ 
Author -Teresa Reese

Timing is Everything written by Author -Teresa Reese 

So much has transpired since my poetry book- "A Strong-willed Mind, healing scars over time through my poetry"  went live in.2014. God has been.opening doors for me that no man or woman can shut! His favor has literally left me in Awe of Him. Within a two-year span, I have had the honor and the privilege to not only meet the Actor, Bill Bellamy, in person but bless him with my poetry book. I have been the Featured Author by "The Secret Place Book Club" by winning a Contest of Presentation with other fellow Authors. I have had the ability to purchase my books in bulk! I have been blessed by the Owner of "Wing It" located in Pflugerville, Tx to think so Highly of my poetry book that he reads pages from it to his customers. I have been asked to be on two radio shows to help promote my poetry book. I just received one of three shipments of t-shirts and other products to create an even greater opportunity. Plus, I am working very diligently on my novel. None of this would have even manifested if I would havechosen to move pprematurely or if I had become anxious about God's plans for this book and my future as an author. His Timing is Perfect and Timing is Everything!!! And I Know that the Best God has for me is in Motion.It's in motion for you too!!!Be encouraged.
Author -Teresa Reese

GOD is our Promoter© Written by Teresa Reese 

Oftentimes, it can become unclear as to Who is doing the Promoting. Man loves to play the role of GOD when Rightfully so, that position is already taken. You see, when you align yourself with the Word of GOD, He has promised you that He will not withhold any good thing from you. However, when you align yourself with the world, those good things may be held from you because living a Righteous life is not the world's objective. Do not try to serve two masters! Insteas, I encourage you to Delight yourself in the Lord and allow Him to give you the desires of your heart. Be encouraged.

The Battle belongs To God© Written by Teresa Reese 

There is peace in knowing that the battle belongs to God. The enemy may come in like a flood but the standard is always raised by God. Backbiting, gossip, and discord may be happening right in your midst, however, vengeance belongs to God! Let God fight your battles, let God fight your wars. There is peace in knowing and believing that the victory is already yours! Glory be to the Most High God! For the battle belongs to God.

It didn't break me!© Written by Teresa Reese 

When I look over this year and take inventory of the traps that were set for me which were intended to break me...I smile!!! I am now stronger than I have ever been! So many positives are taking place in my life...this month, I have owned my dream car (a 2014 Honda Accord) for a year on June 21st. Some doubted me because God opened up that door while I was jobless and incomeless. But God said it was Mine and He has made provisions for it to be paid on time, as well as, the insurance each and every month. He keeps on blessing me, to the point that the loan company even lowered my interest rate due to my on time payments! Noone can tell me what God is not capable of!!! Then He opened the door for me to go back to college and I made the President's list two semesters in a row! God also opened another door by encouraging me to apply for this job that I kept procrastinating about. By His grace, I have just received 2 promotions and I have only been employed there since March 2015! There are so many more praise reports, the Christian Literature Awards Department is reviewing my poetry book for an award this year!!! God is So Good!!! It feels awesome to know that all that the devil tried to do to hurt me, none of it prospered and it sure didn't break me!!! God is awesome.

This Experience Right Here© Written by Teresa Reese 

I am so elated right now!!! My body says that I should be resting but my mind says shout to the mountain tops!!! I made it through my first of two days at SXSW 2015 in Austin, Texas and the support from my community was amazing! God connected me to some really great people and reconnected me to some of my old friends. My mother was by my side from beginning to end and my oldest daughters came out to support me as well. There is just so much that I want to share but my body is exhausted. But to sum it all up, God truly received the glory and I look forward to my future♡

Turning 41© Written by Teresa Reese 

I have so many testimonies that I would like to share because I know that it could help someone like it helped me. I am beyond elated with my life right now. So many doors are opening up for me, as well as my book, "A Strong-willed Mind". God gave me the vision. I trusted him wholeheartedly with it. Now, I am watching Him manifest in ways that I never imagined. Recently, I had a very long conversation with the parent of a very well known writer whose work is very successful. It was such an inspirational moment for me! So unexpected but very encouraging, insightful and inspiring. Proof that this is bigger than me!!! If I gave you the name, you wouldn't believe it, so why bother? Lol... The following week, I am approached and asked to sell my books in a booth on a venue that brings in thousands of people in a short amount of time! I tremble every time I think of how God keeps opening doors that no man or woman can shut. Is it because I have turned 41 years old this year? Ironically, some of the bigger blessings have manifested in this month♡ My 41st Birthday was on January the 9th. I don't see that as a coincidence, I see it as gifts from God. He desires to bless us beyond measure and He keeps proving this to me daily.

Time Heals all Wounds© Written by Teresa Reese 

If I told you what I've been through, Would you believe what I'd tell you? How those I called "friend" Became my "enemy" How those who promised to always be there Up and walked away from me Or would any of this even surprise you? Because you've had those kinds of "friends" too! Would you empathize or would you even care? Or would you listen attentively and then go and share? We all have experienced both hurt and pain When the ones who claim to love us Up and walk away But somehow these so-called friends taught me this That time heals all wounds And they aren't even missed!

Why?© Written by Teresa Reese 

If promises were made to be broken Why do we even make them? If some words were never meant to be spoken Why do we continue to speak them? If some things are meant to be left alone Why are we bothering them? If some things were meant to be ignored Why do we keep listening? If some things were never meant to be Why do they even happen? If you are really agaist me Why do you pretend to be for me? If you feel like you are better than me Why does your attitude stink? If you are content with yourself like you should be Why do you keep comparing yourself to me? It seems that there are more questions Than there are answers concerning you Why do people hurt the ones they say they love? But claim "noone else compares to you"! Why do we keep on looking for something "better" out there? This is a plot from the devil himself So I thought you should be aware Everything that is meant for us Will manifest in its own beautiful time It's okay to ask questions But you must keep hope alive! The vision that was planted inside of you Will one day produce a harvest It's important that you remember this Because the devil will send distractions Can you regain your focus? Why yes you surely can But you need to be prepared For the when's, the why's, the ihow's, the what's and where's It is all a part of your journey But in the "why?" don't get too caught up Just believe that you are more than a conqueror And that's a declaration, not a question! So be encouraged and soar above the "why?" The answers will be made apparent in their predestined times.

Flying Solo© Written by Teresa Reese 

I would never know The content of my character If I wasn't challenged I would never know The source of my strength If I was never shifted I would never know the human side of me If I was never hurt I would never know If I didn't do it on my own. If I let you take control I would never know Who I was or where I could go If I chose not to dig within And reach for my goals I may ignore the real deal While embracing the superficial So it looks like I'm flying solo.

Unconditional Love© Written by Teresa Reese 

If we really had to earn God's love, where would we truly be?! I am so grateful that God loves me unconditionally. I am so grateful that He loved me before I was formed in my mother's womb. I am so grateful that nothing and noone can separate me from God's love. He is the sunshine in a stormy situation. Thank You God for loving me♥

Big Mama© Written by Teresa Reese 

Fluctuating on the scale
Weighing more than I'd like to tell
Using under garments
To tuck it all in
Don't get too close
Trying to suck this stomach in

Amidst it all, I keep this smile
Although diets are my downfall
Empty promises are what they are
Covering up the bitter scar
Of reality, that I'm no longer a size three
Weight gain isn't a friend to me
Yes, I am older now, this is true
But new clothes are tight and my old ones are too
It betrayed me way past size eight
And I want to avoid reaching size twenty eight
But at this rate
It may be too late

I hate the scale
And the stories it tells
Those numbers
That constantly dwell
Inside my head
And linger on and on
They remind me that I'm no longer young
Pretty soon
It will say something new 
Like, "You are obese"
And a "Big mama" now too!

Intensions Written by Teresa Reese 

Throughout the years, I have gained some insight on "intent" Some people intend well Others intend to harm You may know them for a lifetime Or you may know them for a brief moment Their intent may be to watch you fall Not wanting you to succeed at all Or their intent might be to help you rise Their loyalty never compromised Whatever the reason It will be revealed in due time But make sure you ask in the beginning To avoid getting intent blind-sided!

Today...I cried!!!© Written by Teresa Reese 

Today...I cried!!! Life can be so overwhelming sometimes that you may not even know or understand the magnitude of the pressure that surrounds you. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things that you forget to check in with yourself! To ask yourself, am I okay? Not just with your life but with your self! You may be surprised at the answer. What if you are saying "Yes!" But your body is saying, "No!". Nothing has to be "wrong" for us to cry! Everything could be going "right" but we still resist the urge to cry...tears of joy! Well, today...I cried! For all of the times I pretended to be strong but my heart was breaking inside! For all of the times I said, "I forgive you!" but I could never trust anyone that way again! For all the times I had a goal but for whatever reason, I didn't meet it. For all of the loved ones I have lost along the way, for one reason or another. I cried because this is my God-given right! Because there are people in this world who will go to extreme measures just to watch you fail. Because there are children who will never know the love of their father or the genuine embrace of their mother. Because one day you are here and the next day you are gone! Because pain is real, heartache is real, disappointments are real, trials and tribulations are real! I cried because there are times when no matter how alive I may look...I feel like I am dying deep down inside! So because Jesus wept, I gave myself permission to cry. And now my day must go on

Roots© Written by Teresa Reese 

True friendships are like the roots of a tree. They aren't going anywhere! And no matter how the seasons change, true friendships remain the same. Steady, unmovable, solid! True friends don't judge you, degrade you, condemn you or belittle you. Instead, they encourage you, uplift you, inspire you, and most of all love you! Not for who they would prefer you to be, but for who you truly are. When the roots of your friendship are in the right kind of soil it will stand the test of time. Nourish, water, and protect your friendships! Don't allow the cankerworm to destroy them.

Roots© Written by Teresa Reese 

True friendships are like the roots of a tree. They aren't going anywhere! And no matter how the seasons change, true friendships remain the same. Steady, unmovable, solid! True friends don't judge you, degrade you, condemn you or belittle you. Instead, they encourage you, uplift you, inspire you, and most of all love you! Not for who they would prefer you to be, but for who you truly are. When the roots of your friendship are in the right kind of soil it will stand the test of time. Nourish, water, and protect your friendships don't allow the cankerworm to destroy them.

My Skin© Written by Teresa Reese 

I was born in this skin And I love the skin I am in I have taken my first step And said my first word in this skin I have cried in this skin I have died and rose again in this skin Died to the stereotypes handed down From generation to generation Died to all of the misconceived notions That the color of my skin Defines me in a negative light That my skin complexion is wrong While others are right That I will always live in poverty And that this must be true Since it's part of my history And I'm different from you But I made a choice to rise in this skin To wholeheartedly love the skin that I'm in Some may try to look down on me Thinking somehow That they are better than me But it's okay That's their belief Yet I am content with the unique and authentic me My skin reminds me Of my ancestors victories Of those who loved and died Courageously before me So that I could walk in divine liberty Love who I am And walk in total peace My skin is one of infinite beauty I don't want to be you Because I love being me My skin tells my story I am a part of history!

When You Know© Written by Teresa Reese 

Sometimes you don't really know who it is that you are dealing with until you say or do something that someone doesn't like or agree with. I was raised to believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs, and choices. But I find it a bit ironic how people respond to you whenever your opinions, beliefs, and choices go against what they believe is best for you! But when you know, you just know! Does this mean that the other person is wrong about you? Not necessarily. But it may mean that they are wrong about who they interpret you to be or the level of potential they see. Just because you give a person glimpses of what is taking place in your life, it doesn't mean that they have your life or the direction that you are going all figured out. And it doesn't mean that they really know you. Just like people misinterpret the Word of God on a regular basis, people will misinterpret who you are and what you stand for. They will wholeheartedly believe that they have the answers for your life. But if that were the case, your life would be their life! Don't compromise who you are for who someone else thinks you should be. When you know that you hold the keys to the victories in your life, don't hand those keys over to someone else in hopes that they will be the one to unlock the doors to victory in your life or that they will be the one to make your dreams come true. Because in doing so, they may throw the keys away because their fear of your success may be greater than their hope for your success! So always believe in yourself and know that no matter what, as long as you continue to keep the keys to your own life close to your heart and the keys to your destiny in a very safe place. Everything will work out for your good. Be encouraged on today!

Opinions© Written by Teresa Reese 

Your opinion of a situation Does not make it a fact Just because you disagree That doesn't mean you're right Now the same also applies to me But I can admit this truth That your opinion of me Doesn't obligate me to you You can see the sky as blue And I can see it as orange But just because we don't see it the same way Doesn't mean it's not both colors Your opinion of me Really doesn't matter Because when all is said and done Opinions are like showers!

Keep the peace© Written by Teresa Reese 

Holding your genuine feelings inside just to "keep the peace" is a form of deception. When you choose not to share how you feel with a person who has offended you, whether intentionally or unintentionally, even if they "appear" to be at peace with you, and vice versa, you aren't at peace within yourself! You are hurting yourself directly by not staying true to you...When something bothers you, there is always a way to express that feeling without attacking the other person, keeping it inside, or pretending that you aren't bothered by their actions or words. Before you take the wrong approach, however, by holding it in for way too long and then possibly EXPLODING...pray for guidance, wisdom, and a way to speak your truth in love. Where there is a will, there is always a right way! Be encouraged on today.-Author~Teresa Reese

My Faith© Written by Teresa Reese 

You said that if my faith Were the size of a mustard seed That I could move mountains when I speak Well Lord, I choose to believe You said if You are for me Who could be against me? Lord, I choose to believe that too You said greater is He who is in me Than he that is in the world You said that in the last days Your Spirit would be poured On every boy and on every girl My faith in You believes that too This is why I follow You Man may say "no" but You say "yes" My life, soul and spirit are in Your hands You have never forsaken me And you won't start forsaking me now You find joy in leading me Down the righteous path My faith remains strong No matter the test Because in You, I wholeheartedly trust It's in You that I find confidence No matter what the trial Or the tribulation is That's why I can say this and truly mean it... My Faith is in You Lord!

I Blog to Reflect on my Past and Current Experiences

My help comes from the Lord

"A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains--where does my help come from?"-Psalm 121:1(NIV)

Your Choice - Poll
