To God be all the Glory!

This is the testimonials page. If you have been encouraged, enlightened, inspired, motivated or uplifted by anything you have read on my website today, feel free to testify. God bless you. - Teresa Reese


God's grace is sufficient for us

His strength is made perfect during our times of weakness

Instead of saying, 'Okay Google', some of us should be saying, 'Okay Jesus'. Allow Him to Order your Steps!”

— Author -Teresa Reese

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Today, is the day after my 47th Birthday! January 10th 2021. A lot has happened leading up to this very point. Last week, I intentionally took an entire week off of my full-time job to focus and redirect certain areas of my life. I want the latter to be greater than the former. So, with that being said, I started off by purging from my past! I blocked all of the past energy from exes and the like that meant me no earthly good. I then purged my home. Starting with my room and then my closets. I had no idea…

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Why Did he Rape My Baby? 

It's 3 a.m. in the morning. My sleep has been broken ever since I closed my eyes. I can't close my eyes without seeing the vision my Babygirl placed inside my head as she shared her Darkest Secret! I hear whispers in the night all throughout the night. Why did he Rape my Baby? Lord, Why did he Rape My Baby?  

I can't stop Crying, my heart keeps burning. It's So broken. Oh my heart is so Broken! Broken like shattered glass. Too many broken pieces to ever put them Back together again. It's hard to breathe…

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Beautifully Broken 

It is imperative that I find a Healthy way to channel my brokenness. On August 27th, 2019, my Youngest child/daughter told me that she was Raped nearly 2 years back.She was 11 years old at the time of this crime. There are no words to describe the depths of my brokenness as I grieved in her presence while fighting hard to stay strong. I have cried, I have screamed, I have fought myself within myself in an attempt to cope with this tragedy. This blog will be my outlet as I mustar up the strength to live…

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Dreams Still Come True - Teresa Reese 

It has been quite a while since I have testified on my website, however, I need to testify on this!!! My cup is Still running over. On April 14, 2018, one of my dreams came true. I met, took a few photos of, conversed with and took a few photos with CEO/Founder, Kellie E Lane, of Warrior Nation Apparel and Warrior Nation Ministries at her Empire Event in Atlanta, Georgia; at the Grand Hyatt. She even introduced me to the Warrior Nation and said, "Y'all, this is Teresa Reese, the lady who writes down…

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If I could touch the Hem of His Garment©  

Let me see your Power Lord

Heal my Inner Soul

If I could touch Your Garment Now

I know that I'd be Whole

The Days are Short, the Nights are Long

My Burdens Heavy Weigh

You are My Strength

You're all I have

To make it Through the Day

I Know you see my Hurting Heart

I Know you Feel My Pain

Please Take Away the Misery

So that your Peace I'll Gain

Just let me touch Your Garment Lord

My Soul Belongs to You

Search me, Touch me, Guide me Lord

And Cleanse me Through and Through❤


written by…

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Be You❤ Author - Teresa Reese 

Even if you want to bring the people whom are dearest to your heart along "for the Rise", they may not want to come along! And that's Okay! Be You, Be Great and most of all...Be encouraged❤ Author - Teresa Reese

In the midst of the Storm -Author -Teresa Reese 

At the very beginning of April, my life shifted. Not only was a lipoma tumor found in the back of my neck, but I have been diagnosed with a new tumor in my brain. Talk about a storm! However, my lovely co-workers, trusted friends and supportive family have all rallied together to help me to stay encouraged. In the midst of the storm, I have found comfort. I want to encourage you on today! And remember, God should still Recognize you in the Midst of the Storm!!! So don't Stop speaking to Him, especially when…Read more

Timing is Everything written by Author -Teresa Reese 

So much has transpired since my poetry book- "A Strong-willed Mind, healing scars over time through my poetry"  went live in.2014. God has been.opening doors for me that no man or woman can shut! His favor has literally left me in Awe of Him. Within a two-year span, I have had the honor and the privilege to not only meet the Actor, Bill Bellamy, in person but bless him with my poetry book. I have been the Featured Author by "The Secret Place Book Club" by winning a Contest of Presentation with other fellow…Read more

GOD is our Promoter© Written by Teresa Reese 

Oftentimes, it can become unclear as to Who is doing the Promoting. Man loves to play the role of GOD when Rightfully so, that position is already taken. You see, when you align yourself with the Word of GOD, He has promised you that He will not withhold any good thing from you. However, when you align yourself with the world, those good things may be held from you because living a Righteous life is not the world's objective. Do not try to serve two masters! Insteas, I encourage you to Delight yourself in…Read more

The Battle belongs To God© Written by Teresa Reese 

There is peace in knowing that the battle belongs to God. The enemy may come in like a flood but the standard is always raised by God. Backbiting, gossip, and discord may be happening right in your midst, however, vengeance belongs to God! Let God fight your battles, let God fight your wars. There is peace in knowing and believing that the victory is already yours! Glory be to the Most High God! For the battle belongs to God.

Take care of Yourself❤